Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekly Update

(end of week 8/beginning week 9)

On the Scale
Lost this week: 2.6

Total loss: 25.2

At the Gym
NONE! We were away on vacation.

I did Yoga Meltdown 3-4 times and it kicked my butt but I really like it. I think I will stick with it. We also hiked and biked and walked so I got plenty of activity. It wasn't the same time of sustained heart rate cardio that I get at the gym but it helped keep me burning calories.

I bought a pedometer and wore it everywhere. I averaged about 12000 steps. I remind myself that some of those steps were straight up a mountain and it doesn't register that. I worked really hard this week - just not at the gym. We go back tonight and I can't wait to see what a week off did to me or for me.

In the Kitchen
We cooked or prepared most of our meals this week. I had access to a fully equipped kitchen and we shopped before we left so we have all the same foods we have at home. We did eat out a few times but we didn't make any food choices that we regret. Thankfully lobster is very low in calories and fat :) I did skip the butter and it was just fine.

My favorite breakfast place makes egg white omelets so while I couldn't have their awesome eggs Benedict - I did get an excellent goat cheese, basil, tomato, parmesan omelet that kept me within my calories. I enjoyed it. Along with Turkey Bacon and a couple of bites of home fries.

We had lunch at a restaurant that we had always wanted to try because they look really charming and fun on the outside. I got a grilled chicken salad and it was really bad. Really, really bad. Not worth it at all.

The other restaurant meal was dinner at a Lobster Pound right on the water. I had a raw bar sampler and that was all cold shellfish. I passed up the dipping sauces they served with it and just used lemon and cocktail sauce. I was starving afterward.

We also cooked lobster at the house one night.

We got the boys ice cream a couple of times. We had some lowfat frozen yogurt and it was ok - not great and not something I'd do every day but it kept us from feeling deprived.

Yesterday was my husband's birthday as well as a wedding celebration cookout for some good friends. The food at the cookout was excellent and could have been tempting but they had grilled chicken and salad and lots of fruit so it was fine. I love cookouts for that reason. There is almost always a healthy choice as long as you can walk by the potato salad and they're grilling something besides burgers and hot dogs. I think I will have to remember to always offer chicken when I have a bbq.

My husband's birthday dinner was excellent. We cooked at home. Grilled Shrimp and Steak (really small, nice tenderloin) salad, steamed broccoli and citrus fried brown rice (fried in a nonstick pan with a tiny bit of sesame oil- inspired by Roni's scallop and rice recipe). We bought a tiny cake - probably 6 inches in diameter- and split it between 5 of us. We also picked up some of The Skinny Cow single serving cups of lowfat ice cream. These things are brilliant! If you are going to have ice cream I recommend these things. The perfect serving size and only about 150 calories/2g fat. Again, they're not exactly "healthy" - they contain corn syrup and won't do anything to help break a sweets craving but they are yummy and definitely have a place.

So all things considered I think it was a good week. I know I didn't drink enough water because we were out and about so much and it wasn't always convenient to carry my bottle. In the past we would have used vacation and birthday dinner to excuse food choices that aren't in line with our goals. I'm so glad we didn't - that kind of behavior always derailed me in the past. Not this time.

The Closet
I'm frustrated here. My clothes are a lot looser, but I really want to be moving down in sizes and I'm not. I feel like 25 pounds should equal 1 or 2 sizes. But where the weight is coming off doesn't necessarily translate perfectly. I also realize that my size 24 clothes must have been tighter on me than I thought. We did our 8 week pictures last night and there is a clear difference so I have to just not worry about it and give it time. Right??

Challenges and Goals
With vacation behind me I'm excited to get back into my routine and back into the gym. I feel renewed motivation for my workouts and I'm hoping that week 9 will be a great week. I also signed us both up for a 5K in October as a birthday gift for my husband. I don't plan to run it but I am going to start working on my waking speed. Who knows, maybe I will get on the treadmill tonight and decide to train to run it :)

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